Report Players!

@xRaiLight @Rja12 Im sorry bout da tags but my friend Tank2016 is banned. He was’nt sharing accounts he was just telling a player which browser he was using to play FFT…I hope u guys dont misunderstand…and
unban him…plus he has a “Assassin” Predator skin.So he’s kinda worried about his skin…

He did share his account with someone called MERK or something like that, I reported the both of them myself, I warned them both not to share any info but they didn’t listen.
P.S: @SoulFlare was there too, he witnessed the whole thing.


Yes,I was there.

And I cannot disagree on the fact that convo about the sharing accounts thing was super retarded.
If i wanted to I could make a laugh of the convo,it was that retarded,lol.
Banning the account was the only right thing to do,if you share an account and gets stolen you accuse it of being hacked…so instead of hearing that bs of a response banning the account is the solution,
Hope you understand.
There are quite a number of people who have skins on they’re account and have been banned.

He should be more worried about other things in life, not Assassin Predator.

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@N3ONZ3X Check the picture from my previous post. As far as I know, your friend was looking for trouble.

Nah, it’s alright. I asked this guy what is his real rank, he lied something and I checked date when he created acc.
Not even surprised he shared, prob thats no’t even his acc.

Whats with this account sharing thing? I’m definitely not gonna trust anyone to use my account because its my own work.
I don’t know why people would share their accounts, its poinless

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Main possibility for one to share an account would be,
The asker tricking the sharer that he/she will buy him/her skins.
Another possibility,
The sharer asking the other person to help rank up.
Both eventually leading to the sharers account being stolen.

What you usually see is lower ranks asking higher ranks or players without skins asking players who have them,
And so for the kids playing this game do not understand what they have done or what they are getting themselves into,
In the end they accuse their account of being hacked,which is not even a thing (Dunno)
Sharing which results in a ban,
Begging for their accounts to be unbanned and so on.

But as for us players who have worked on and invested in the game,have the simple common sense to understand that the asker is just screwing with you and that he wants your account,easy as that for even a moron to understand (Maybe not every moron but yeah…)

Note most of this is blah blah blah but meh



ill die from all these ‘gamers’

and dem ladies :wink:

His name ends with the dot


yup, ban that mofo -.-

also this guy

when you get one hacker to kill another in the same team BUAHAHAHA XD

yup, in that room we had:

the last 2 were gunner hack so I dont have a good image there

Mah,tryna be mod?
Idk why but looks like it…With the constant reporting and activeness as such.

Is it a bad thing to do? I guess not, even if I didnt get modded then atleast I helped a bit with this hackers wave


christian1702 hacking

Not at all,all I can say is keep going and do the best you can as of now,
Everyone is putting an effort in reporting the hackers so,to all of you as well,keep going :smiley:.

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@xRaiLight @Rja12 I found another 2 players hacking…one is xXEpicGamerXx dueling martin3090
#Having a hacks dueling
Please take action as soon as possible… Thank You…

Y8 Games