Report Players!

Angry freshman is also hacking…I hope you mods will take action as soon as possible…
his using the 12glitch13 or whatever it is …its a normal hack…u guys can ban him …

Soon there will be no webplayer and we will only play with webgl. So the hacks shouldn’t be there.

I tried to scout for hackers awhile ago (using an alt) and I saw a shocker spamming orbs behind the wall, the orbs passes through the wall and killed a group of players (including me) like there’s nothing that hit us. (those orbs are invisible though)…

Lft.cucky01 hacker

Confirming for Cucky.

Little jerk,he didnt hack for whole 2h when I was there


Here’s a way to find out if someone is hacking or not, keep an eye on the chat and see if these spam messages stops spamming the chat then it is him the one you doubt was hacking.
Demonofluv was clearly hacking and the spams message stopped spamming the chat when he left, he also denied that he was hacking and then left the match

xXBlackStarXx , He admits to hacking


Sgt.phoenex2000 is a hacker


A better screenshot of poenex2000 while hacking, look at the kills.

Another proof of Demonofluv

Killer is still around, he is nathan’s alt

Here you go

phoenex hacking Ar

Inappropriate language.

degmonel hacking Ar

qooyou hacking tech

Y8 Games