Elmehdi hacking Ar and railgun
elmehdi hacking
someone using bad language hackernator
Played for an hour: Found 5 hackers, but just gonna report 2 ppls… (Cuz 3 are guests accs)
SgM. llllllll
Tank2016 glitched haze bomb
I can confirm, he is being annoying, and there is more 2 players who keeps doing that glitch alot, I mean ALOT, Spanish player
The hacker name is GAMJA
There was no hackers in that map, until I noticed him because he kept killing me so I hunted him and he switched to gunner and when he did, the Hack application spam messages ( Aim bot ) started to spam the chat, when I told him to stop the hacks he left.
I can confirm on this one, and he also uses an alt to hack
Is Athena a mod? She isnt kicking hackers.
Then o. O ???
SgM.fuckmedude - inappropriate name & a hacker.
i Confirm it too
that’s not a valid proof dude maybe just a coincidence when he switched and hacker came
and i know gamja does not hack just an assumption
U would be surprised. I catched one player yesterday acting normally in the game while entire time he was the one who had turned on hack and spammed chat with messages. The thing is,some of them hide when I enter with main acc so multiple alts are the only one option.
About this,I really tried hard to not insult u back yesterday.
First of all, genious, how am I supposed to kick someone who has blank name? I will personally make u a mod if u got answer on this.
Second,calling me a bitch and idiot during match,not gonna mention how u call ppl like that from ur alts as well gonna result with ur ban,selfcalled pro.
Third,to whoever u gave HendriKson acc 2 days ago,he didn’t know how to use flame on blazer.
And fourth, owner of 2 accs contacted me and said how u hack from accs that he gave to u.
is that the reason why marek always tell me to go to a specific map? to ask for accounts? :o