Msg Minecraftfntsy2 is one annoying hacker
even rja has become corrupt D:
@InvisibleKiller786 thats a fake Majorek. Just hope players won’t get confused by real names/fake ones.
Yes, Sehal, i believe that was the name. and for people wanting me to post screenshots, i dont know how… i’m new to this kind of thing, so please, dont get really mad at me :V
Mar. Giorgigaming is hacking, its the assault rifle “lag” insta-kill thing…
No problem !..How can i mad at such a sweet player
YAY… another hacker. great. Msg. VivaValentina123 is hacking, same “assault rifle” insta-kill thing, just with the scout
ViviValentina, mistype, oops! XD
Download bandicam or any use any other program to screenshot.
If u scroll up, u can see how other players reported.
I confirm for ViviValentina123
How can you find hackers in the games??
Yeah, the real Majorek, is G3. Majorek
They kill full team in few seconds, not really hard to find them or see who is hacking.
for the majorek one, have u tried searching who else is a blue team marshall?? that way we can understand who is the hacker, it could be eduardo tho,
Col. DarkGirl with infinite micro-munitions with blaster.
G3. YourBichts using incrediblehq hack and innapropriate username
I don’t know if you can really do something, but this dude stole my name and was teleporting around killing everyone with tank.
As you can see I’m a G2 scout, that hacker is a Mar. tank
lol he mananged to create my old g3 Veli account
we are changing the whole website but Original creator would remain FRG
honestly get bored with refreshers when youre almost killing them with assassin they run to the base and refresh e.g blaster users