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Plasmatech2-0--------------------> hacking…

There is a guy named HaHaHa(something i dont remember all of it) that can get into the other teams spawn… on any mode, plus he teleports to an enemy until he kills them, then tp’s to another…

It could be hahayoudied we saw him hacking before aswell but can u scrnshot him or can make any video ? as a proof

If u don’t remember name or u are reporting without proof, there is no point in reporting.

then wheres ur proof :unamused:

even machinewar99 hacked there, wow never seen a hacker get that so much kills

Mar, Eduardo is hacking, killing from base and doing the INCREDIBLEHQ MESSAGES ( hacks by ( incrediblehq) please ban him

confirmed and there’s another one calling himself cpt letmekillyou22 heenters your base and kills you and also when youre invisible with assassin he can still kill you he lags alot

Mar. Rja12 (gone rogue) (aka Incredblehq)
Hacker: Sgt. MinecraftFntsy2
Trying a new video format.

incred’s newest account is G2. xXSpectrumXx. Figuring out what account in indredi using isn’t that hard.

look here ---------------->

Wtf is this… he is doing hacks and spaming this chat btw he said he has more then hundred accs
And he was using autoaim :rage: :imp:


What is possible with this IncredibleHQ You can not rate anything? Excuse the word but it is a great head of XXX. He is haunted by not knowing how to play. It’s not really good head. He expresses his hatred. poor thing

lol i rekt minecraftfntsy2 with assassin and he calls me hacker then ragequits

Omg rja is hacked? OH NO

Yep but not on forum
And he said he can acess any acc :scream:

we cannot ban rja :frowning: hes the best friend of my life nuu just we have to ban developer,admin,eduardo. those 3 are the only people i met doing the incredihq msgs

we must make a 2 PIN DIGIT, to access accounts, like when after entering a password, a verification code goes to your mobile/email. its safer this way

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He also hacked ronforge acc
Some scrnshots here --------->

damn i must have said this in suggestions

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