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cpt poseidossssssss hacking

I can confirm for poseidos

G5. thedarko14 caught by me doing easy money/fast money on space station

finally 3 consecutive games without hack users !! yay this is getting better :smiley:

^ stop killing me over and over -_-

my party is over G1 alexis1233 using gunner hack.

I went online one day, 2h during day without hackers in EU. It was kinda weird to play normally and have high killstreaks again :joy:

MSG HACKERM another hacking tech

g4 ameer23 hacking

player : DarkDank
reason : speed hacked gunner

report lft. laurnat

hacker SgM. darkdank report


For darkdank u need a better report. 2 kills with AR are not showing anything (not saying that he is wasnt hacking, just report should be better)


player : Matiasleveljaja7
reason : speed cheat gunner,

I’m going to call these players, cheats, from now on. In no way are they hackers. The gamers who use these cheats are maladjusted mouth-breathers who didn’t get enough hugs as children.

nguyen1122 hack

Saw him there, a few minutes ago, on this one map.

I thick nguyen1122 may of already be ban anyway, just making shout he is reported.

g3.zango121 hacking

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I confirm that.

Y8 Games