Report Players!

Mar.AlanK170 hacking with tech

Lft.gahaha hacking with tech

I guess that makes a brand new list for 2017. Thanks for the reports.

ptypepo infinite ammo hack with gunner
godofwar1 same

matador12estiven hacking with assassin

I can confirm, saw him hacking with scout.

Hacker- Maazali786 - Q spam Proof Of hack maazali786

Report Cheater: raghulocal

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I saw him hacking too. he was at space station spamming orb caster everywhere JoaoVitorA63 hacks, tech shock wave spam

FLUFFYBUNNY2F**K is hacking. he killed me and a cpt in base. I was hiding in base :L (EDIT: Sorry if I’m insulting. its just his name)

G1. Marek28 is asking for my account, so I reporting him, after a in tier game of me saying no.

G2.gahaha hacking with shocker

brocksri hacking.

So, we are in the new year but but… :joy:

new year but more hackers? that’s what u mean m8 don’t u?

Next time i’ll screenshot every player who usualy complains on heavy/support spam here, then he/she do the same thing in matches.

sgt HackerM is hacking, he is as scout spamming kills.

i confirm samet is a hacker

emma hack emma34 is hacking. ban?

Y8 Games