Report Players!

No, but for sure he got over 15 accs xD Most of em banned

pfc.fuckyourself1239’s hacking

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true story!!

PFC. fuckyourself1239 confirm hacking.
I thought FFT had username restrictions for swear words. guess not.

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Reported everyone~

G2. dragonfire214 hacking:

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He’s reported already. Should be banned anytime now.

UR_lord_loprezno Shuttle bay Lag bug trying to win the match with that… Btw in my time zone no one Mod is active after 3 or 4 P.M

Ik this post doesn’t belong here, but on both the suggestion thread and the other report thread, my old posts just fill up the text catcha(probably because they’re so awesome) and that $*#& freaks me out.

How hard is it to implement an in-game recorder? A built-in camera that records everything, and with the use of a command, sends it to proper authority (mkds, admins, etc)? I genuinely want to know, even if it’s a suggestion that will never see the light of day. Just answer me.

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Ask Siri.

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would be awesome

mar.bb704’s hacking

Use your brain, ask yourself: how hard can it be? Has it been done before? Who is gonna review all of those video reports? What kind of server will be required to receive all those videos? Is it worth the hassle to build and who is gonna pay for all that infrastructure? Who is gonna stop someone that sends false reports for his own amusement? Why I didn’t think this suggestion through? Am I as smart as I think?..

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Wow…rekt. But also unnecessary.

People who use their brain also know something called “diplomacy”. You really need to change your attitude in the forums and in game.

You thought it was an awesome idea, what else to say? Diplomacy? I’m not running for president or trying to make friends… And i wouldn’t even be here reporting people, if the game had eliminated hack methods.

With some limitations it can be a great idea, and your arguments weren’t bad neither. I think we can throw ideas here without being called dumb.


I didn’t call anyone dumb, I just said that he didn’t work it out in his mind before he posted it here, that’s all. There are many ideas, like vote-kicking hackers and more, but nothing can be done until they update the game to webgl, as they said.

It’s called a joke! Really!

This is true. All the devs are dedicated to that only right now.

Anyways guys can we squash this and go back on topic.

Maj. xXfluflycrab124 hacking,

@1mN0tCraZy was on at the time. Confirm this?

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