Put your real face in real life

:no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth: really???


really? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

i have a messages that tell that you’re 9


where we were talking

thats my bro hes 9 he has access to my acc


i really dont know its just bleg



eh? ah no, don’t worry


complicated to tell

HMPH??? whatever dude

ok. to never see each other again. bye… :wave::grinning:

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whatever idc

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Man… that is the worst type of young “too young”

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no, it was a joke. I thought she was 9, I’m 12 and a half and since she’s smaller than me, younger here, I was saying a joke, but apparently she’s not 9 years old.

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