Need an Asian MOD? I'm here to help :)

Rather than strict “Asian” mod, we need a mod that is able to play when the mods aren’t available. Currently the mods only play during day/evenings US time zones. The asian mod should be able to cover the timings when US mods unavailable.

South american moderators?
Maybe, but I am not responsible enough for that.

Nicolas seva is though

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Nah. Everything a SA mod would cover is already done well by Rail. He’s good in that aspect. I don’t think there’s any timezone differences hurting the SA community precisely, but it’s just the reality of mods not always being active; which affects everyone.

If a SA were to be appointed as mod, I can’t see it being anyone besides Nico. Not to sell you short, and I never thought I’d be saying this, but you’re probably one of the more mature SAs in this game. This is ofc because I don’t understand any other SA besides you, arf, Nico, and like two other people. I guess I am selling you short… :confused:

Hm now that I re-read this, it sort of comes off as being an insult. It wasn’t intended to be. Sry m8. :wink:

The only time zone not covered is Ahmed’s. That’s why he would be a good choice. When everyone is sleeping he’s waking up.

Heh, you are doing the right thing in not trusting me.

If only Ahmed didn’t hack, but oh well, Supers used to hack and look where he’s now. :hugs:

Can’t justify my hacking. I know it was bad timing when I did it.

For one thing mods can’t do anything as of now… the only thing appealing about modship is the title.

what is this “freefall tournemant?”:confused:

It is a MMO (tho got same player base), RPG (only in lour, i.e. space marries preparing to fight aliens and have resorted to human cloning and the “tournament” is to train the solders, show there strength to there superiors and to entertain the public), FPS (Game is mauley in second person tho).

So its a shooting game where you can play with others in Team death matches, in arena where the gravity is not always the same.

Sorry if any of this is wrong.

It is just a action film with some game graphics… :laughing:

Y8 Games