My drawings

ok alright

Users @stellakatsavra @AC_GLINT were marked as spam in this post and I recommend that they do so in others

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What a nice community, i wanted an apology for being rude to me. I wonder why Y8 is dying :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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User @luffy2 does not count as a spam due to her lack of confusion Ac was saying.
User @stellakatsavra was responding to almost all post the user uploads their page so this does count as a spam bot.
Like this, i would like to tell Discobot what these user are talking about.

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Regards David David thanks USI

stop flaggin the mans post. let him speak.

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you see @AC_GLINT, y8 is filled with oversensitive children who cry over one little soft “curse word”

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can you stop shitposting for once?

I don’t think bruh

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