Lost Account

@Ankit nkit
I seem i have lost an account name AFFAN113 or AFFAN133
the email is nguyenthaianhnguyen2012@gmail.com
Please resolve this problem asap

I Can’t transfer my old Freefall Tournament official site account. My username is TERMINHECTOR723, can you help me please?

it don’t work from “Verifiying, please Wait”

I lost my account called nexus, when I was entering the game it asked me to log in again, I hope you can resolve it as soon as possible.

Both of they 2 guys idea are great follow from one of them

I haven’t lost any of my 5 FFT accounts and yall only talking about one account :skull_and_crossbones:

don’t mind me, not flexing my :brain: power or anything like that

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But, if you have lost any of your accounts by forgetting the password. :thinking:… It is due to, unhealthy food and drink habits, which gives you Dementia, causing you to forget things. So, eat and drink healthy, then you won’t loose such important things :+1:

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Was ur username ‘yes’
And If you forgot your password then well I can tell you that you should have wrote it before in a paper or notepad.
So you would knew it I can’t do anything you should create another account

Its dementia and idea is correct

You have five???

Yep 5 accounts

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it cant be done bro cuz the transfer tool is dead

sorry but can you help me in recover my acc?

Y8 Games