Than what you was expecting ? if you dont mind sharing.[quote=“VALTECH2501, post:111, topic:3019”]
I think all important info should be posted in-game. You can’t take for granted that everyone checks the forum.
I understand and its planned but we have limited resources and everyone here shouting for different things some wants lags to be fixed and other want kong transfer to work so we cant focus on one part.
we planned to add more info in the game after we fix kong accounts issues
[quote=“VALTECH2501, post:111, topic:3019”]
Not long ago, it has been decided that players had a 1 or 2 months period to say they had taken advantage from glitched rooms. Those who didn’t report themselves were demoted to lft. Once again, there was no info in-game. The whole situation has been really unfair for some of these people.
Yes I know and but they can always contact us and we can restore their accounts.[quote=“VALTECH2501, post:111, topic:3019”]
You can’t be perfect.
Hehe, im so far for being perfect
[quote=“Belisaurius11, post:112, topic:3019, full:true”]
No offense but that topic is as clear as mud (which means it’s not clear). It took me literally two weeks to get a response to my question that I could understand.
lol, always same ;)[quote=“Rja12, post:114, topic:3019”]
I totally agree and I told them that 1,000 times that they should inform everyone in-game by putting some type of memo or something on the front page. Not everyone checks the forum, so you unless they literally coded something on the front page that informed everyone it’s unfair. I totally understand your point. People should not have been demoted to lft without them knowing what was happening. That was pretty dumb.
No matter how many times you said and when you know we couldnt update webplayer because it was way more buggy than we thought in starting it wont change anything.
We take decisions which is good for everyone but sometime they just dont work as expected and as a resolution we still restore accounts of people who we find legit and demoted because of we couldnt communicate them.
PS: I know blaming and FFT developers is a part of daily routine of some players here