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It’s not possible to split guests because game doesn’t have 1.000.000 players and it’s simple not good to split them considering how many players play FFT. I do understand ur point and I would agree on it, if FFT player base is higher in numbers.

For me FFT is very individual game and unless I don’t solo vs 2-3 higher ranks, pretty much is easy to take down entire enemy team and cap without any issue.




Back to your question, I still play.
I think they they do as well its just that the game’s not at its best player wise

Anyone wanna hop on at sometime PM me


Anyone playing right now?

I can lol

Curiosity: How do any of u define ‘skill’? Like, what is skill or how it looks like to be called skilled player?


lets see.

Skill isn’t something that is just there with you rather it is something that has developed.
Each person can be skilled in way, those of us who have been playing for years may be skilled in a few or probably all the heroes.

Lets take me and you for example,

some say I’m skilled in assassin, some say I am in scout.

Some say you’re skilled in tank, from what I’ve seen you’re fairly skilled at commando.

Skill in this game would mean how good you can use a specific hero and how much better you can be that the other player in that hero.

Rja, UM
 Excel in gunner
Mah, invi,. excel in assassin, mah is better at scout.
Slim, excels in tank

They are all skilled in their own classes, or more better put, classes they’re comfortable with.




(Nov 14, '96)

I think a skilled player is someone who knows a hero so well that he developed his own effective playstyle. So, he knows himself, his weaknesses and his strenghts, and has a good knowledge of the hero he plays with. And he taught himself via training, observation and testing.


Ok, but can some player be skilled in certain type of heroes like Tank ones, DPS or support only?
Does flexibile player counts in ‘skill’?
Or maybe being ‘skilled’ only in hitscans?
Being good as individual is skill or being good as ‘team’ player also counts as skill?
Does knowing maps and how to move around counts in skill?
Is strategy part of the skill?

I personally think this is one big topic where ppl can define it on own way and discuss about many different opinions on it.


Tanks huh?.. Well yeah you can call that as being skilled.

Being flexible definitely counts as being skilled the more the variety you’re good at the better you can support your team if you’re playing a team based, strategy game.

Being skilled as an individual player and a team player would mean the same, being a skilled individual you have to learn to adapt, that’s where flexibility comes in, it all depends on how willing you are to communicate with you’re team and go along with their plans if you’re talking about being skilled as a team player.

Knowing maps and how to move around does not count as skill ion my book, if you’ve been playing a game long enough, maybe even a few months you should memorize the maps you most frequently play.

Strategy can also be considered skill, in a team based if you’re the one leading the horde, your strategy is what leads them to victory, as long as they go according to what you planned then yeah strategy, more over “Convincing” your teammates is an impressive skill.


tank category, it’s a bit messed up considering that 1/2 tank classes is called Tank x’D
Easy way to check skilled Tank is to do 1v1 Tank mauler and Comet rush only.

P.S. topic was for any game that players are playing, not only FFT (can include FFT ofc).
Just makes me wonder are ppl who as example play support mostly in FFT play support mostly in other games or something else and how do they like different roles or which role they find most enjoyable and why.


I honestly don’t mind the 1v1’s but to figure out if you’re a skilled tank or not is to see how well you can play as a team, if you’re in a team with players similar to your level of playing and you’re the tank you’re usually in for support or to clear the entire area.

Whereas 1v1’s , Mauler and E is good n all, but I think the more daring one would be with both E and F and leaving alone Q
 Just puts you in a more difficult situation as concussion bombs have a wider dmg area.


forgot to say, like in teams where both teams has 1 Tank or 1 team has 1 Tank and other has 2 Tanks, if 2 Tanks got outplayed by that single Tank, gotta be something that makes him be better. Not really talking now is and how much Tank is broken, many things are broken in the game for a very long time, but that’s another topic.

How I personally see tank role is that players needs to know how to lead or position own team, when to hold shield or when to engage the enemy. Also, believe it or not, even bubble requires strategy, when is the best time to use it (I really don’t relay on it as Tank, ofc that I use it, but only as last option so it’s just my playstyle). I think I spent a lot of time tanking around in games that I simple forgot now how to properly engage the enemy as DPS and play on very agressive way.

So I actually wanted to make some point from my own experience: when person is sorta stuck with playing support and tank role for a very long time, might that skill that he/she had as dps gonna fade away. I am not sure is it different between roles because usually tanking and supporting doesn’t require being agressive at all (especially support) while playing DPS does, includes some stuff as positioning and for hitscans aiming, so I just think that playing DPS requires different sort of skill, compared to tanking and supporting. Support was always for me more strategy than something else, so made me wonder is strategy part of the skill, how much it depends on role and how much is it individual like can players flex easily or they just find one specific role that fits for them perfectly (no matter which role).


Here are two definitions of skill.
Please use them to better send explain your definition of skill.
Personally, I find “skill” subjective. Once we’ve established what a mediocre or average player is, and what a bad or poor player is then we can go and define a skilled player.
Anyways, i’ll continue reading this from the shadows.

The definitions: (taken from dictionary.com)

Def. 1. The ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well:
Example: Carpentry was one of his many skills.

Def. 2. Competent excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity:
Example: The dancers performed with skill.

But what makes some player bad? Why is he bad?


Personally consider a skilled player who focus on use hardest personages in game or guns, as example here in fft is a Helper class but if you know use it could be detestable for enemy team and Op (Shocker).
Skilled/Pro players are all this who isn’t conforming with use only the basic or the most easy to use.


In FFT it’s pretty obvious to recognize the good vs the bad players. How they move around the map, how they play, how they use thier abilities, how they react, how they think, and how they can impact the game. For example with gunner if I am sniping with you, I can easily tell if you suck or if you will be a challenge.


@Nox @Ankit Do you guys ban people who are harassing in PMS? Or do you have a block/mute feature?

Edit: For this forum, not the game.

Snipers are the easiest to tell who’s good at because its such a raw and pure set of skills but there’s a lot of subtle skills such as postioning on the map, priority of target acquisition and how best to help the team overall which can even include dying occasionally, can be much harder to quantify.

Y8 Games