Fight Arena Online: Review

how do you fortune?

@discobot fortune
is @max5 cool?

@discobot fortune

(enter important)
is @max5 cool?

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

@discobot fortune

is @max5 cool?

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot fortune
is @xHaVoc cool?

@discobot i summon you

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

@discobot fortune

is @xHaVoc the coolest?

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

:angry: :anger:

@discobot i summon you

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

@discobot fortune

is @xHaVoc the coolest?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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