Do you like anime? If you don't like it, don't enter, do you understand?

Anime is humanity’s worst mistake. Change my mind. (Facts only accepted, not feelings)


I agree, you are completely right.

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Is it really boring?

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I only seen a few and they were ok, I do appreciate the artwork in alot of them though.

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Yes, no further explanation or reasoning required.

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understandable too :smiley: :smiley:

So back to what I was saying, I really do dislike anime as a whole. Doesn’t matter which one it specifically is, I hate them all equally.

Very negative-

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A negative opinion, yes. Everything may be viewed by everyone differently, be it negatively or positively.


Okay, you dislike it, but you’re being extremely negative? Maybe add some points that you don’t mean to offend anyone?

I’m offending “anime” as a whole, not people watching it.

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I also think that “no offense” or any other warnings would just be ridiculous to add, considering that I’m just talking about some animated shows.


I suppose you’re right.


Wouldn’t doubt it.

Also, your grammar is very good. Just thought I’d mention that.

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Thanks. Been hearing a lot of similar comments on this game as well: Only roblox players

Only that I don’t play it anymore, I actually view it similarly to how I do anime.

Roblox is getting boring and cringey. I used to enjoy it but now I get pretty bored after a few games. When I play with someone it’s okay, but other than that, I have nothing to do on there. I haven’t played roblox in a month or two. You got your slenders and cnps. Annoying 9-year-olds. Stupid tiktokers that do those weird stuff. I’m fine with tiktok, but some of it’s weird. I don’t fully agree with you on anime, since I actually watch it, but I do find some anime boring.

Hard to disagree on that.

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